Stick Fighter
Let's go for an online street fight with your friend and see who is the winner. Imagine how exciting to make a punch or a kick to your oponent, and remember to use your skills to avoid being attacked too. Have fun with the game.
Game controls:
- 1 player mode:
Arrow keys: move
Weak punch:`
Strong punch: 1
Weak kick: 2
Strong kick: 3
- 2-player mode:
- Player 1:
G,V,B,N: move
Weak punch:`
Strong punch: 1
Weak kick: 2
Strong kick: 3 - Player 2:
Arrow keys: move
Weak punch: ,
Strong punch: .
Weak kick: /
Strong kick: Shit
- Fire ball:
- Slow fireball= Back + Forward + Weak Punch
- Fast fireball= Back + Forward + Strong Punch