Robo Duel Fight
Choose your favorite robot with suitable character and begin the Robo Duel Fight. You can also choose 2 player mode to play with your friend. Moreover, there are four fantastic modes you can choose: 2 player, Duel Arena, Vs CPU and Survival. Each mode has its own rule so you can select all four of them to play and decide which one is your favorite. Enjoy the game!
Game controls: Play the game using keyboard
Each turn the Attacker chooses "Melee" or "Shooting"
The Defender chooses "Anti-Melee" or "Anti-Shooting"
After both players choose, it comes with the result
When the result is the same: The Attacker is failed to do high attack damage
When the result is different: The Attacker do high attack damage
When the Power Energy Bar is on Level 2 or Level 3, you can press to boost your attack power when attacking
1 bar full = level 2 attack. 2 bar full = level 3 attack
The game end when a player won 2 rounds in the battle