Gun Mayhem
You love shooting games and want to try more thrilling games? This one is for you - Gun Mayhem the first version. Seek for the weapons fast and try to catch it as soon as you reach the ground or the enemy will take it to eliminate you. Try to destroy your enemy by gun or bombs but do not falling or get killed. Collect items to upgrade for yourself such as upgrading gun, shield, get small size... If you think it is easy and already master it, you can come to the next versions - Gun Mayhem 2 and Gun Mayhem Redux to find something newer and more challenging. There are two modes you can select to play: campaign (you can beat challenges and unlock new weapons and maps) or custom game (you can play with up to 4 players)
Player 1: arrow keys: move
[ : shoot
] : bomb
Player 2: W,A,S,D: move
T: shoot
Y: bomb
Player 3: np/,np7, np8, np9: move
np*: shoot
np-: bomb
Player 4: np5, np1, np2, np3: move
np0: shoot
np.: bomb